Learning Skills
SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) support is offered to pupils who require intervention that is additional to and/different from activities normally available to all pupils at Rose Hill School. This may be long term because they have a Specific Learning Difficulty or Need e.g. Dyslexia or Dyspraxia or short term because they require ‘booster’ activities to close the gap between their attainments and those of their peers. We align to the SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015) recommendations following an Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) model of practice and our support is based on a colour coded 3 Waves model of intervention; Wave 1; in class support (Green), Wave 2; small group support (Yellow) and Wave 3; 1 to 1 support (Red).
Children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) receive one to one support in accordance with their recommendations; some children are supported in every lesson, some are supported out of the class and some receive support from outside agencies such as Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists or Cognitive Behavioural Therapists.
Our SEND department is very much a part of the whole school. We have a Learning Support Teacher in the Early Years Department, a dedicated team of support staff within both PrePrep and Prep, as well as our full time Head of Learning Skills/SENCo working across the whole school. The PrePrep has an LS teaching room and is only a few steps away from the Prep School where the other LS room is based. All teachers within the SEND department have access to all interventions, teaching resources and specialist equipment. The SEND team work closely together to provide the best support possible for our SEND pupils, meeting regularly and providing INSETs for the whole school.