Creative Arts
The curriculum enables staff to assess pupils’ learning in many different ways, drawing out individual pupils’ intelligences.
Creative Arts
Children are encouraged to take part in the arts, Design, Music and Drama
Activities vary from the more traditional sports: hockey, netball, rugby, football, cricket and athletics, to alternatives such as dance, yoga, badminton, basketball and water polo.
Learning Skills
Pastoral Care
Wrap Around Care
Learning Skills
SEND support is offered to pupils who require intervention that is additional to and/different from activities normally available to all pupils at Rose Hill School.
Pastoral Care
Through Mindfulness, PSHEE, assemblies, academic lessons, co-curricular activities and form time we support and promote the development of emotional intelligence and well-being.
Wrap Around Care
For all pupils of Rose Hill School, the Wrap Around Care provision includes a daily Breakfast 7.30-8.00am.
Online Forms & Useful Links
Parent Communications
We have our own kitchen and dining room where professional caterers provide a midday meal for all pupils.
Online Forms & Useful Links
Please find some useful online forms
Parent Communications
There is a lot going on at school, this will help you navigate the different ways we communicate with you.