All children who start in September attend five mornings a week during the three terms which make up our Nursery, although full days and wrap around care are available for all. As each term passes we add more hours and so when children transition to Reception, the following September, we have prepared them for the full school day.
Standard Hours
Autumn Term
September to October ½ term: children attend mornings only and are collected at 12.15pm. After ½ term: mornings only, plus stay for lunch on Wednesdays and are collected at 1.45pm
Spring Term
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – children attend mornings only and are collected at 12.15pm Wednesday – children stay until 3.30pm
Summer Term
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday – children stay until 3.30pm, Thursday and Friday – children collected at 12.15pm
Extended Hours
Your child can stay all day in our Nursery if this helps you! There are several options to choose from which extends beyond the standard hours in our Nursery. This needs to be a regular booking and confirmed in advance.