Victoria Robinson, Head of Early Years

Our Nursery & Reception

Early Years sets the foundation for not only a child’s academic career, but also their development as unique individuals and members of society. At Rose Hill School this journey begins in our Nursery in the first September after their third birthday.

At the heart of Early Years and Foundation Stage is fun; children are inherently curious and their brains absorb information when they are at a high level of positive emotion. Each and every day, we strive to offer them new and joined up challenges that are exciting to explore. The children are the centre of everything we do in Early Years. Their wellbeing and educational journey is underpinned by a fantastic team of passionate teachers who have a wealth of experiences and the children could not be in better hands.

Our creative approach ensures that they are captivated by learning. Every term there is a new overarching topic that filters into their exploration of all subjects across the curriculum. This holistic approach means that they are completely immersed in this enriched learning experience, enabling joined up thinking and a deeper understanding of the skills they are exposed to. ‘What is a shadow?’ This type of question forms the basis for a whole terms’ worth of investigation; through play, discussion and experiments. Topics like this may explore nocturnal and diurnal animals, the life cycle of a seed, chasing shadows and understanding why they follow us, right through to group performances to their peers based on stories they have read together.


In addition to the EYFS curriculum, the children enjoy weekly subject specific lessons lead by the school’s Heads of Area, PE lead by the Head of Boys’ Games, French and Spanish taught through play and songs, Woodland lessons where mud pies are frequently the feast of choice and Music lessons headed up by the famous Chimp the chimp. Finally, the weekly onsite swimming lesson during which the children take on the role of mermaids, dolphins and pirates, of course!

Needless to say, falling asleep in the car on your journey home is a rite of passage as a Rose Hill School pupil!

In the first term of our Nursery all children attend five mornings a week but full days are available. In the Spring Term all children attend four mornings plus one full day and in the Summer Term all children attend three full days and two mornings. This gradual increase prepares the children to attend full time when they start in Reception the following September.

To get a flavour of the School you are warmly invited to join our pre-school playgroup Rosebuds. Lead by Victoria Robinson it is a fantastic opportunity to see the School in action and ask any questions. For next steps please contact our Head of Admissions about visiting the School either at one of our termly open days or a time convenient to you.

“We are very happy with the school, our daughter is happy, engaged and eager to learn and be involved with the many activities available.” Parent

How to Find Us

Visitors for the Head have an allocated parking space opposite the main Reception. If you lose your way, please call us on 01892 525591 and we’ll help you find us.

Contact Us

Telephone: 01892 525591
Email: [email protected]


Rose Hill School
Coniston Avenue,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent
United Kingdom