Tap Twinning in Year 6 Curriculum Project
As part of the Curriculum 2020 Project, Year 6 have again undertaken a philanthropy project aimed at developing an awareness of global water scarcity and raising money for the charity ‘Tap Twinning’. Pupils created substantial projects combining geography, history and TPR, then bravely presented them to an audience of staff and parents.
The charity aims to provide sustainable, reliable and affordable access to safe, clean water in some of the world’s most water impoverished communities. 10 groups of pupils devised fund raising events and worked hard in organising them with the aim for each group to raise enough money to provide a tap for a community. Events ranged from parents’ hockey and netball matches, ink drawing, steel pan tuition, a plant sale and a parent choir session to sales of cakes, hot chocolate and milkshakes, a dodgeball tournament and beat the keeper events for our pupils.
We are hugely proud to announce that the total raised was £845 and look forward to being able to keep you updated in the future on how lives have been changed for the better with the installation of the taps and pumps.
“Thank you to everyone who supported the project and to Year 6 pupils for their fantastic achievement.” Amanda Wren