HeadLines, Friday 24 February
Dear Parents,
We have ended an extraordinary week with 4S’s assembly on the Titanic where pupils shared what they have learnt about the fateful maiden voyage of the transatlantic vessel. Thank you to Mrs Springer and 4S for all of your hard work. Year 4 then went off to Sheffield Park to learn how to be a polar explorer and to walk around the gardens following Nellie’s Arctic Adventure Trail.
Year 1 enjoyed a trip to the Spa Valley Railway on Monday and our thanks go to Mr McKinnell for sharing his time and expertise. Year 2 have had a visit from the RNLI and Mr Forkgen, from Tonbridge School as they delve deeper into life in Australia.
Our Curriculum has come alive, right from our youngest pupils’ experience. PrePrep celebrated Mardi Gras with a special assembly explaining the meaning and history of Mardi-Gras. At breaktime, the children were served a little Mardi-Gras snack and ate a themed lunch with “crêpe” for dessert, bien sûr! All day, activities linked to Mardi-Gras took place. Pupils enjoyed a concert by our Steel Pans Year 6 band, led by Mrs Harrod.
The Prep School pupils are in full swing with their project work and this week has seen planning, research, communication and curiosity! On Tuesday we celebrated Baden Powell’s 166th birthday with the time-honoured tradition of chocolate cookies and hot chocolate at breaktime.
House Art selections take place soon within House Assemblies – we are looking forward to seeing the creative responses to this year’s theme of Mythology. Next week we are very much looking forward to Book Week and Fairtrade Fortnight, along with a number of trips supporting our academic studies!
The PA’s Film Night was a huge success last night and we look forward to the Disco this evening. Thank you to the PA, these events are enjoyed by so many pupils and we appreciate your continued support.
Best wishes,
Emma Neville