HeadLines, 13 January 2023
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our Parent Breakfast, nicely rounding off the end of our first full week back. The children have very excitedly settled back into their learning and the buzz of excitement around the school is tangible!
I am sure that many of you were interested to hear of Rishi Sunak’s proposal that pupils in England will study maths up until the age of 18. Currently pupils in England are only required to study maths up to the age of 16. Mr. Sunak has stated that we need to “reimagine our approach to numeracy”.
At Rose Hill School we pride ourselves on our approach to the teaching of maths and our ‘have a go’ mantra encourages all pupils to achieve highly. But what is fundamental in our lessons is that the children really understand how to apply their knowledge of maths to more abstract problems and to use this knowledge and understanding across other subjects. I am very proud of how our pupils are prepared for their lives ahead having experienced our Creative Curriculum, projects, our broad and exciting clubs program, enrichment sessions and Focus Days. This preparation is then a lifelong skill.
It is so important that at school and at home we empower our children to enjoy maths, to understand why we learn maths and to give them opportunities to use their mathematical skills and knowledge not only in their other subjects in school but in their everyday lives. For further information do contact Mrs Ritson, Head of Maths.
We currently have a significant number of our Year 8 pupils preparing for their scholarship days for their senior schools, with some pupils already achieving excellent results – well done. We also have Wonder Day on Thursday 19 January when we look forward to seeing many Year 5 parents at the end of the day, once your children have experienced a secondary school curriculum day at Rose Hill School. Navigating secondary school options is challenging, so do please contact the school for guidance, after attending our Future Schools’ Fair on Tuesday 31 January. We have representatives from many independent schools. To register, please contact [email protected].
Best wishes,
Emma Neville