
Headlines, 9 December 2022

Date Posted: Friday 09 December 2022

Dear Parents,

We started the week with an excellent assembly from Mrs Moore with the launch of our House Art Competition 2023, ‘Mythical’ which is open to all pupils.

Last night we enjoyed our stunning Prep School Carol Service at St John’s Church. With a packed congregation, our pupils sang beautiful carols and readings to retell the story of the birth of Christ. Thank you to all the pupils for working so hard to create such a strong performance. The choirs, soloists, readers and musicians did particularly well. My thanks also to Mrs Harrod, Mrs Nicoll and all the supporting staff.

This morning was thoroughly entertaining as we saw the Early Years nativity ‘Baarmy Bethlehem’, starring Kindergarten and Reception pupils. Mrs Robinson told the story of Christ’s birth and the children acted their parts and sang songs beautifully. Thank you to all the staff, especially the EYFS staff, and Mrs Harrod.

We come to the end of another very exciting school term. We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy our many successes, the Curriculum 2020, teaching and learning, matches, trips, the PA Christmas Fair and other community activities. People all over the world will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and sharing in the joy that this brings. At Rose Hill School we have fostered the true spirit and meaning of Christmas, by sharing our own gratitude for a good and secure life with those who are not so fortunate.

I am delighted that the School Council have chosen ‘Theirworld’ as our School charity. Theirworld is working hard to support the 260 million children who today are missing out on their education due to worldly events that have caused devastation to their communities. Your contributions at the end of the Carol Service and tomorrow at the Christmas Fair will make a huge difference to the lives of children around the world. Thank you also for your generous contributions to St. Matt’s Community Larder.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the PA Christmas Fair. Huge thanks in advance to Mrs Dellar, Ms Nash, Mrs Williams and Mrs Hawkins and all the members of the PA for planning and coordination.

I would like to thank you all, parents, pupils and friends of Rose Hill School, for your continued support and to wish you and your loved ones a restful Christmas and a New Year of health and happiness.

Best wishes,

Emma Neville



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Rose Hill School
Coniston Avenue,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent
United Kingdom