HeadLines, 28 April 2023
Dear Parents,
Our creative curriculum is in full swing and the last couple of days have demonstrated excellent examples of our level of interactive learning. Kindergarten visited Bore Place in Chiddingstone today and Year 1 delved deeper into understanding the dinosaur world with a rawesome session! Year 4 have also enjoyed a hands-on history workshop exploring food, clothing and weaponry from the Stone Age.
Our annual Wellness Week starts after the Bank holiday.
- On Tuesday morning we welcome Cameron Harris, Founder of Truth – who will explore healthy mind, body and soul. Truth Fitness works with high execs to enable them to find that all important life and home balance
- There are daily swimming sessions in the pool
- Mrs Scarbrough and colleagues will be delivering sessions on mindfulness, anxiety and Internet safety
- On Thursday morning we welcome as many of you as possible to join us for Mrs Whatman’s ‘wake up’ session at 7.40am on the Astro!
- Full details can be found in the newsletter
On the Friday of Wellness Week, we have ‘The BIG Coronation Lunch’, to celebrate the forthcoming coronation of King Charles 111. To mark this significant event in British history we encourage all pupils to come to school in party wear.
Wishing you all a lovely Bank holiday.
Best wishes,
Emma Neville