HeadLines, 6 January 2023
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a new year and new term. I hope that you have all had a restful and healthy festive break. Thank you for all your kind wishes and gifts. We love the start of a new term and once again, have a calendar full of exciting activities and events for our pupils.
The Future Schools’ Fair is on Tuesday 31 January at 7pm, I would encourage all parents of children, particularly in Year 2 and above, to attend what looks to be a very informative event, led by Tom Lawson, Head at Eastbourne College. We have representatives from more than 20 local independent schools. To register, please contact [email protected].
When selecting a school it is vital that you choose a senior school which you can trust to do the best for your child and one to which their personal needs are well suited. We have indepth knowledge about your child’s abilities and therefore are able to give you good advice about what kind of senior school will be most suitable. We are happy to advise on choices and often have discussions with parents. Our experience allows us to offer guidance on the relative merits of the schools and also match them up with your child’s own talents and interests.
All schools vary in their offer, and their entry requirements differ. Some schools will give intelligence tests and interviews to prospective applicants. Some schools decide on their lists in Year 6, even for entry in Year 9. It is up to parents to contact the schools individually.
Our Future Schools’ Fair is a brilliant opportunity to speak directly to many schools and get a feel for the possibilities before narrowing down your choice. We encourage you to speak with us before or after the event, and we will be happy to guide you.
Next Friday we have our first Parents’ Association Breakfast, which I encourage you to attend. The PA are a valued, much loved and integral part of our community and we hope that you will want to sign up to support, in whatever way you can.
Best wishes,
Emma Neville